3D - 2024-11-05
BIO: 1. WB 2.File (UT+2 Test+ 1 Note) (明天交) |
PTH: 預習第三課 |
MATH: BW4.1 Q1-11 |
ENG: Study the writing WS, recite the poem |
MUS: Edpuzzle x2 (12/11 deadline) |
BIO: 1. WB 2.File (UT+2 Test+ 1 Note) (明天交) |
PTH: 預習第三課 |
MATH: BW4.1 Q1-11 |
ENG: Study the writing WS, recite the poem |
MUS: Edpuzzle x2 (12/11 deadline) |
Shek Lei Catholic Secondary School
新界葵涌石蔭安捷街23-31號 23-31 On Chit Street, Shek Yam, Kwai Chung, NT
2429 1221
2422 7104